– Video Booth

In this project, we created a video presentation to explain what is We also create an illustration of the user interface from their brand-new website. The goal is to give the audience a hint of what do and it’s primary features, to help people to buy a good quality used car.

Duke Energy Ad

The project is to create an animation that will describe how much is Duke Energy electricity source that come from solar power technology

Poptech – Camden

In this project, I create the video style frame design and also create the design for its graphic animation that depicts the feel of stop-motion animation using jewelry artworks.

Avantgarde Women

The project is to design a visual story that depict the idea of Red Car culture that is inspired by avantgarde female icons through out the 20th century of art culture.

Corner Men

The project is to design and animate a graphic title for a pilot project. The idea is to create a graphic that shows the action of the story of a boxing gym, the uniqueness of every character, and the grittiness of New York.

Poptech – City Resilient

In this project, I am creating a motion graphic animation that combined geometric shapes and live-action footage. Throughout the whole video, this animation will move one to another fluidly and acts as a transition from one shot to another, so there will be no hard cut on the edit.